Youth House Registration

The Waxman Hebrew High School and Youth House provides a wide variety of ways for teens to be connected, engaged, and active in our extraordinary teen-aged Jewish community. Learn more.

There are three different paths for registration for 2024-2025 for members of different groups.

  • Members of Temple Beth-El should click here.
  • Families in the community who are members of neither Temple Beth-El nor Temple Israel should click here.
  • Members of Temple Israel of Great Neck should register using the “School Enrollment” feature on ShulCloud.

Temple Israel registration steps:

  1. Login to your account at You must be logged in to proceed with registration.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click the “Start School Enrollment” box under “My Subscriptions.”
  3. The next screen will ask you, “Which term are you enrolling to?” Select “Youth House 2024/2025.” Click the continue button.
  4. There’s a drop-down menu under each child’s name. Select the correct options for each teen. For example, for a teen in 7th grade, you’d select “Enroll in 07 – 7th Grade Options.” Then check in the box next to “7th Grade Core – Tuesday AND Thursday $1450.” Click the continue button.
  5. Please answer all questions and pay the deposit.

Note: in the School Enrollment feature, families can only register once for a “term” such as “Youth House 2024/2024.” If you register one teen in your family, and then later decide you’d like to register their sibling, the system will not work for you since your family is already registered. Please call the office for assistance.

Please contact the office if you have any questions.