Waxman Youth House

Waxman Youth House

A home for teens to be seen, heard, and validated

Preparing students to be thoughtful, knowledgeable, active, and responsible Jewish teens/adults

The Waxman Hebrew High School and Youth House provides a wide variety of ways for teens to be connected, engaged, and active in our extraordinary teen-aged Jewish community.

Click here for 2024-2025 registration

Trips to Israel

Trips to Israel

AIPAC Delegation

AIPAC Delegation

"Midnight Run" Community Service

Fun Outings

Fun Outings

MLK Day of Action

MLK Day of Action

Holiday Celebration

Holiday Celebration

Hands-On Projects

Hands-On Projects

Tefilah - Prayer

Tefilah - Prayer

Tikkun Olam - Repairing the World

Tikkun Olam - Repairing the World