Religious School Curriculum

Hebrew – The Hebrew program focuses on reading fluency as well as basic comprehension and simple conversational skills. Beginning in Kindergarten, the children learn Hebrew letter and sound recognition. In first grade, children learn Hebrew reading and writing basics, and build upon those skills each year.  They read and write Hebrew letters and become proficient in decoding Hebrew words.  Our program is designed to give children familiarity with reading and leading prayers and blessings. 

T’fillah (Prayer) – T’fillah is taught in the classroom, in grade-level prayer services led by the congregation’s Rabbis and through regular participation in Shabbat and holiday children’s services. Torah and Haftarah trope (cantillation) are taught in the Hay and Vav years (5th and 6th grades). Students become familiar with the key prayers of the Shabbat services, particularly Kabbalat ShabbatMa’arivShakharit, the Torah service, and the concluding prayers, as well as prayers and blessings for Shabbat and holiday home rituals.

Holidays and Mitzvot – Throughout the grades students learn about the meaning, history, laws and customs pertaining to each of the Jewish holidays. Each year, the students’ knowledge of the blessings, prayers, symbols, terminology and concepts associated with each holiday is deepened and expanded. Through classroom learning, special holiday programs in the school, holiday-related art projects, as well as through the synagogue’s holiday services and programs for children, the Religious School seeks to instill in its students a sense of the joy and excitement surrounding the celebration of the holidays.

History – students  gain a familiarity with major Jewish heroes and events from Biblical to modern times, with an emphasis on character and peoplehood. Ahavat Yisrael – the love of Israel – is inculcated in our students at all levels.

Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures) – Understanding of the major characters and narratives of the Torah is achieved through weekly Parashat Hashavua discussions, as well as in-depth studies of the books of B’reisheet (Genesis) and Sh’mot (Exodus) in the Hay and Vav classes

Jewish Values and Ethics – Through text study, discussion and participation in ongoing Tzedakah and G’milut Chasadim projects by all grades throughout the school year, we model and teach students the values inherent in Judaism and help them be actively involved in Tikkun Olam, repairing the world.

If you have any questions about the TIGN Religious School curriculum, please contact Connie Reichman, Director of Kulanu Religious School and Teen Education (516-482-7800 ext. 1110)