Join the Shoah Remembrance Committee for their next book discussion – The Little Liar by Mitch Albom.
Monday, January 29th
7:00 p.m.
Blue Room and on TIGN Zoom
Nico’s innocence and goodness is used against his tightly knit community when a German officer barters Nico’s reputation for honesty into a promise to save his loved ones. When Nico realizes the consequences of the betrayal, he can never tell the truth again. He will spend the rest of this life changing names, changing locations and identities, desperate to find a way to forgiveness—for himself and from the people he loves most.
Narrated by the voice of Truth itself, The Little Liar is a timeless story about the power of love to ultimately redeem us, no matter how deeply we blame ourselves for our mistakes.
Please RSVP to Carol Smolinsky at and let us know if you’ll be joining us in person or via zoom and if you need help getting a book.