Shabbat Talk with Loen Amer


December 17, 2022    
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Join us for a Shabbat Talk “Women, Sex, Power, and Cheese on Hanukkah: The Apocryphal Story of Judith” in the Sanctuary and on TIGN Zoom. Led by Loen Amer.

Why do we eat cheese on Hanukkah? How often do women tell lies in Jewish texts? Is being sexy an effective way to assassinate a military general? Why are there stories in our tradition that are not included in our Tanakh (Bible)? Join Loen Amer, Temple Israel’s new Director of Teen and Community Engagement, for a conversation and text study on Judith, a pious Israelite widow who saved her people by beheading the general Holofernes.