Kehilla Shabbat Services led by Congregants


April 9, 2022    
9:30 am

Kehilla services will be led by congregants (room TBA).

“…we use kehillah as an innovative laboratory to hone our skills, consider bringing our experiences to the Sanctuary service, as well as serve as a conduit to future Shabbat Koleinu, lay-led services. Others suggested that we create a different theme each Shabbat, such as meditative, contemplative, spiritual, yoga, casual dress, organized by different congregants. There was also a request to have a Zoom presence, which we are satisfying at each service. People have asked me how kehilla is different from the main service. For one thing, we meet once a month, starting at 9:30 am. We meet in the Multipurpose Room, the Chapel, and soon will be back in the Tent. Congregants lead most of the service, with any unfilled slots defaulting to Rabbi Schweber. In addition, rather than the full or triennial Torah reading, we employ the weekday Torah reading, consisting of three short aliyot from the first full aliyah of the particular week’s parasha.”  Lori Oppenheimer

For more information, click here to read a detailed article on page 5 in the April 2022 edition of the Voice.